Tania Dibbs


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Larger Sculptural Pieces

Sculpture Studio - Thoughts By Tania Dibbs - 2 Comments

Lately the size of the forms has been increasing. I am onto this hive/pod sort of thing:  

It is always a challenge not to think too hard before I get going on a project. Thinking too much causes me to try to adhere to a theme, or reason, or to make only variations of what I have already done. For easier marketing of an artist's brand this would be great, or IS great, but for creativity it isn't great. I prefer to try to work enough that a cohesive body of work comes from quantity but…

Sculpture Progress

Sculpture Studio - Thoughts By Tania Dibbs - 2 Comments

Sculpture Progress

The jewelry-inspired sculptures have continued to morph. A good art conversation with Bob Chase helped inspire me to enlarge the scale of the pieces and to think a little more broadly about them. I have been trying to think enough to expand without thinking enough to let the thinking overpower the inspiration and creativity, which can happen. Looking back at where I've been seems to work better for me than planning meanings ahead of time which allows an air of contrivance to sneak in and kill my art buzz. This one is exciting to me - it looks like something…

Jewelry-Inspired Sculpture

Sculpture Studio By Tania Dibbs - No Comments

Jewelry-Inspired Sculpture

  Weaving a small sculptural piece Making jewelry feels very sculptural. I don't enjoy making a piece twice but I do love designing. Though I plan to wear the finished pieces, I often don't get around to it, and they end up being given away or piling up in my closet where no one gets to see them. And who needs 30 pounds of jewelry, anyway? (more…)

Artist Statement

Thoughts By Tania Dibbs - No Comments

Artist Statement

Random, organic, orderly, beautiful, and organized: Biology is the master order that underlies the structure of our world and lives. Its patterns are random, spontaneous and irregular but also systematic and repetitive. An array of cells dividing becomes the components of the living person, which becomes the society and its circles, which makes up the culture and its spheres. A nebula viewed through a telescope resembles the cell dividing. The view under a microscope resembles a landscape; the landscape's components look like organelles.   (more…)